November 28, 2005

pandaram's Box..

Ah, so I’ve been tagged

Vi has conveniently stepped away…for now atleast ( in her words, again :-))..

20 Random things about myself..:-)
Lolz, had I seen it before Vi did, would have made her the sole responder to this tag..
But alas., I’ve had enough misfortune in the last one month and I better not risk another:-)…lest, I don’t do this tag thingie….

FFB, what are the odds of me tagging u again at the end of this post :-P

Don’t think I can do it in one go..

But for it to appear complete, every time you see…, I’ll do the 1st and the 20th random ‘thingie’ first :-D

And ppl, if u want to help me out, do so by all means, with whatever you noticed about me. But be warned though, only good intentions will find favor ;-)

(1) Letz start with the name...I thought Pandora was a femme...and so the male equivalent should be 'Pandaram's box', just like Spiderman 'Peter Parker' became Pavitr Prabhakar :-)

(2) If someone says ‘Don’t do it’….you can bet on me wanting to do it and trying it and of course, failing miserably at that..

(3) If someone says ‘Don’t do it’, you can count on me, once in a while to go by what you say…:-)

(19) I think I’ve stayed too long in this country. 7 yrs may or may not be too long. But letz see the chronology of events that made me think so..

Year 1: All African Americans appeared queer folks. All Hispanics seemed the closest to Desis. Went out of the way to smile at desis. Had trouble appreciating the ‘Appreciations’, from the ‘appreciating’ people. :-)

Year 2: Started thinking, hey Afro Amer' are after all fellow inhabitants of Planet earth and started warming up to them. Removed my mush as every other Hispanic male and older looking femmes came over and started making small conversations in Spanish..
All I had in response was ‘Si’ (translated: Yes) ‘ No habla hispaniol’ (translated: I don’t speak Spanish , ofcourse taken from numerous ads on tv’s that say we speak business with us :-) )
Dint’ know the equivalent of No in Spanish. So kinda had to do some spanglish :-)

Year 3: started trashing the Mexicans, became more interested in the football cheer leaders.. Dint matter to them, who they were with, once they got drunk…Not that it mattered to me either ;-)

Year 4: Maaan, whus that damn babe, that tanned girl over there.
Me to my friend: you know what, Girls with big lips are good kissers, I’m gonna go talk to that desi girl.

My friend (she’d just been here for a semester) : Un mandaila idi vizha ( thts tamil, translated as: Let lightning strike ur head)
That’s no desi. She’s a kalli (A feminine Afro American). Just that she’z got lighter skin. Probably a cross between a white and a afro.
U better go after her. Tholai ozhinjathu nnu iruppen. (translated: Good riddance. I’ll be happy without u around)
I prolly think this is where my fixation with Afro Americans started.., to the extent that I thought that they now resembled Desis..
Forget Hispanics, I had, by this time, given up on figuring out if they were desis or Hispanics, unless they came and talked to me…:-)
Worst, was when I had gone to the airport to pick up a girl student ( ya ya, I do the pick up only when girl students arrive from India. And bumped into this Spanish girl that was like looking totally lost.. I assumed she was the desi we were to pick up..and said..
Me: “Hey Shilpa…This is Gi……"

She gave me one blank look….
I shd have guessed by that time…but then…, I dint :-|

Me: "You are Shilpa, right." ( There were actually 2 univs that were in that region, including mine) and I thought she mite be there for the other one.
"Are you a student of this A &M or the other..Does anyone know you are here. Should I drop you..”

She: Si..

Me: “ Nasama poga *%*&#@^&$ (translated, loosely: U be doomed, followed by choice expletives)..and thts when I realized :-D

Year 5: second trip to India, and ppl started wondering why I still aint ready for marriage.
Mom: Are you in a relationship with some girl, there. Let us know. We are okee with it.
Me: smiling…”ya I wish”
Mom: Athana paathen. Onakku avallu samathu ethu…( grrrr…I don’t think I’d wanna translate that….”Ah. thts wat I thought. Was sure u dint have that much smartness.”)
Sigh mommie…so much confidence in me…

Year 6: started talking about bonds and shares and buying houses. And I realized, alrite, 'I am getting past the college crowd now…'

(20) If all this sounds strange so far, the middle portions will only worsen, wrt perspectives :-) Haan, after all, I am a Gemini, aint I.
Aren’t Geminis’ supposed to act this way…:-)

For now, let me give advance warning to the next 2 that I should pass this on to..
Any volunteers, nominations please…:-)

Be warned if there are no volunteers, I might have to choose them myself..
And FFB, you are not in the clear yet :-)


Krish said...

"after all, I am a Gemini" - you mean, like in Ganesan?


vi said...

LOL you took the challenge after all bravo bravo :))
Enjoyable read!!!


aria said...

LOLOL Gi @ Pandaram Box ...
I knew you could do it n you aint gonna shy away!
This was hilarous .. I'm literally rolling n laughing :D

Do anything but plz plz don't pass that 'tag' again to me :D hehe

jeenu said...

hey gi
my attai used to scold my cousin calling him "asathu pandaram"...:D
nice blog

Shilpa said...


This is the Shilpa u were supposed to pick up from the airport...I waited for 2 hrs and finally took a cab..Grrrr
(kidding ofcourse):-)

Ginkgo said...

lolz No gemini ganesan..

I dont wanna leave such a 'legacy' behind...

Btw, Thennavan..ur post on the thnksgivin stuff was hold of quite a few bloggers that I wudnt have bothered to look into otherwise..Nice stuff :-)

How much shd I pay u next time, to have my name there..:-)...jus kidding

wutz with u like the WestIndian cricketer by the same name:-)
ya ya rite...since u count on me as ur motivation...I had to take the lead..wat say;-)

shy away..ah...u got the wrong info, my dear...:-)

typical Iyer aathu bashai, eh :-)


so it was u...Man had I knwn...wud have 'weighted' (waited) for some more :-)

is tht why u chged the school :P

D LordLabak said...

Got some research material on MS guys from your post.;-)
One more year and people would start asking you if you are prepared.

Ginkgo said...

lolz, research material :o

wat am I...some lab RAT...grrrr

naah...itz impossible for ppl to question my orientation...I make it very clear in the very beginning..:-)

one look and ppl wud say, maan this guy is a hopeless romeo :-)

Archana said...

So, have you finally got enough "samathu" :-D?

Ginkgo said...

ther have been quite a few near misses though :-)

Shilpa said...


U guessed it right...I was so traumatised by u not showing up at the airport; that I changed schools hehehhe

Ginkgo said...

oh poor u...:-)
or is it poor me;-)

Shilpa said...

I m reminded of a cliched phrase ' watever happens, happens for the good' ...

Ginkgo said...

yess...thts the spirit:-)

Now that u r getting married, u might want to cling on to that..a lot more;-)