September 29, 2005

Of Doctors and Identity...

Was tired of my usual places for lunch..

My friend suggested, why not get to the Hospital Cafteria that I work for.

I work in the admin building that is right opposite the hospital.

So we normally never go into the hospital...,unless ofcourse you are carried into it :-D

So we did get it, and first impressions, I was very much impressed with what I saw
esp, the cost of the food.

Interestingly, everything was measured by the ounce and charged accordingly.

Very very useful, for someone like that me, that ends up wasting the food all the time. That I again wasted, even this time, is a different matter altogehter:-)

I saw all those stuff there, a burger section, pasta section, grilled section...I took a bit of everything and normally outside, that would have cost me atleast my 1 hrs worth of salary..

I ended up paying a very miniscule amount..(pretty ).

There were lotsa chic' docs and nurse assistants, a pretty youngish crowd...and as expected.. I banged ( literally) into a few of the cutsies around..Oh yeah I knw the words..

Excuse me..Just got attracted like a magnet towards you. Sorry about that...;-)

I see all these pretty docs and medical technicians with their stethoscope dangling around their necks..and brightish floral uniforms as their over coat.

Seemed pretty neat...and that set me thinking.. Me being a compu guy, how are ppl to know, on seeing me, that I am so and so.

Just like docs have their steths, shdnt we as well have hard drives or CDs and stuff to be dangling around, that will tell ppl what we are..:-D

ah...I set you thinking, Dint I :-)


vi said...

LOL! Well, I do wear my flash disk sometimes!


jeenu said...

may be u and Vi should wear CD's ya some CD clips , pins ya belts ya something like that..that way it will be cute..well me no need to dangle anything "aroma" of chemicals are always around me :)

aria said...

Nopes .. I don't agree ..
That would mean - everyone gonna know I'm jobless ;)

Ginkgo said...

lolz vi, ppl used to carry the 'Thermos Flask' to work ...Atleast, I remember my g dad doing it...

and now u have a 'flash disk' :P

yikes Jeenu, the pungent smell of HCl acid ( guess thts wat they call Hydrochloric acid, aint it
:-) )

and wutz the other one tht smells like rotten eggs?
U can basically go around in a overcoat that has various sizes of holes and chemical smells coming from spillage ..
I still remember, the more damaged that coat is, the more it is a sign of success and hard work :))

ah FFbw, U dont agree :-)....
Being Jobless is a full time job too..aint it:-)....maybe not until u r married :P


Hey, First..Thanks for stopping by my blog..I read a few of your posts and they r really simple and nice..Guess I have one more blog to enjoy reading..I liked the one liner about being attracted like a magnet. You , oh so showed you are a casual guy!! or a flirt at tht...:)