August 11, 2006

Race matters

Had to endure this countrys' long and unwinding Airport queues this week, and boy was I glad that I escaped the National guards on duty at the Boston Airport because of the terror threat from flights originiating from Britain.

I travelled the day before all this happened, and thankfully was able to avoid it. you can only imagine how it would be to spend like hrs in front of the Security check point. As I discovered, the other day, it takes only a few words for everyone to reach flash point, it is funny how the security screeners, can just behave differenly with different people.

I was at the security check point, and there was this afro american lady in front of me, and the flight I was to catch, had already started boarding. So the security screener, actually it was kind enough on his part to do so,called up people who have a flight in the next half hr to form a separate queue and was sending them in first as a priority.

He was being more than helpful, something he need not be, and this Afro American
lady in front of me did not hear him properly when he asked her who was travelling. Apparently she pointed to the girl in front of her, who was actually travelling with her, and she had that persons boarding pass in hand. And then proceeded to go thro the security check herself. The screener got totally confused and started questioning her for not communicating properly.

At which point, she with her booming voice, just took him on..Poor guy, dint even have the guts to look at her. I swear, had it been a white or a Hispanic, he sure would have let something fly in return. Indians u know...will never even think of that:-)

I have had similar encounters myself, and at the end of it all had realised, its never worth insulting yourself, by trying to argue with these people.

Again, the ones that I have seen at grad school or the ones at work, they are all like too good, too classy..

Argh..the one at my prev work place comes to mind..too cute. I was so drooling at her, and trying to patofy her (Oopz , hope my GF doesnt see this one..) unfortunately, I had to run away from her, once I realised she is more of a relegious person with an active interest in church and that sort of stuff..:-)

There was actually a funny event the week before, with the same security check point. At that time it was a young Afro American his teens I guess. He checked my name in the boarding pass,and then checked my ID. It so happens that the boarding pass couldnt print more than 14 letters of my last name, which unfortunately has 15 letters. He looked at it, and said, " oh oh, thts not u. Go to the counter and get it changed". I told him thts fine. thts not a problem. He just wouldnt listen nor would he compare with the photo ID, and did not let me thro' and to compound it all I had like less that 20 mins before the flight took off.
I got so mad, at his stupidity and said, something like, this is all ur system can take they cannot type in more than 15 letters into any name column.
He gave me a quizzical look and said.." oh oh...I was just trying to help u. U might get detained at the entry point, so thought will help u. I just gave him a wry smile and said, thnks appreciate it and pushed off.

Ah...wat all do we have to endure...:-)


vi said...

awwa you poor thing :P


D LordLabak said...

So you had a crush on a firangi lady with church credentials? Your life is complete.;-)

Ginkgo said... that what u actually feel :-/

kozhupa...there is nothing written on her forehead that says she was an avid churchgoer..with that kind of interests..
But then why would I look there, anyway :-D

Lolz, I still remember, when she came over and gave me some Music CD's...and I thought okee..We are getting somewhere..only to realise that they were about gospels....gosh

Priyamvada_K said...

These terrorists should be put on a separate planet, so the rest of us can live in peace. Sheesh.

LOL at gospel CD's.


Ginkgo said...

I knw..the path is full of hurdles..:-D

Archana Bahuguna said...

he he ... good luck for next time! And these afro americans talk a lot also ... u have to make a conscious effort to run away.

Unknown said...

Maybe only the cd covers were that of gospels she must have had her message to you in never know! Poor you!
